CEIMAS – Centro Internacional de Mandala, Arte e Simbolismo CEIMAS – Centro Internacional de Mandala, Arte e Simbolismo


A Map to One’s own Path

It is a 4-day experience in contact with nature. The work with the mandalas serves as a compass inside this journey. Art, body, music and meditation are part of this proposal of consciousness expansion.

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In order for us to have a more fulfilling and meaningful life, a life that has true value, it is necessary to recognize what really makes us happy in such a troubled world. It is a difficult task because accumulating material goods, absurd demands regarding the physical body and shallow relationships are pointed as the path of success. For a route change to happen, it is necessary to leave the automatic mode in which we often live. It is necessary to create some space, a pause to reflect, to come back to one’s center and be brave to choose what is simple. It is to reach peace with our own existence.

Program and Benefits

  • To get to know the map of the human journey, which is based on Joseph Campbell’s mythological mode – Where am I?
  • To enjoy the blessing of a break to reflect – How am I?
  • To charge one’s batteries and get ready to go further with more understanding and lightness – By receiving holistic care
  • To set new routes – What do I really need in this moment? What can I already change?
  • To experience contemplation and silence – What do I choose to offer?

Who it is for

Anyone who is 18 years old or older, who would like to enjoy some time to meet oneself, to be delighted, to connect with beauty, silence and to dive within.

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